Following is a list of licensed daycare providers in the Durand/Davis Area.
Durand Charm does not promote or endorse any daycare provider but maintains a list of DCFS licensed provers as a resource only.
Below the list is a link to the DCFS Daycare Provider Lookup page.
DCFS allows you to search on many different criteria. You may search by provider name, city, county, or zip code, or a combination. Results will be provided for all currently-licensed day care facilities, based on your search parameters.
If you are interested in a specific provider, you may also call the daycare Information Line at 1-877-746-0829.
Please remember that only providers who are currently licensed will appear in the search results. For more information about specific licensees, such as license status or compliance history, please search using the Licensed Daycare compliance function.
Angie L Riggle
103 Eply St, Davis, IL 61019
- Age Range: 0 -12 Yr
- Night Availability: 0
- Day Availability: 12
- Language Spoken: English
Faith Early Learning Center
212 W McKimmy St, Davis, IL 61019
- Age Range: 0 – 12 Yr
- Night Availability: 0
- Day Availability: 60
- Language Spoken: English
Larry Green
409 E Main St, Durand, IL 61024
- Age Range: 0 – 12 Yr
- Night Availability: 0
- Day Availability: 8
- Language Spoken: English