LIHEAP Information


For Eligible Residents of Winnebago and Boone Counties  

LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) can pay a one-time benefit (DVP) directly to your energy companies for you, or directly to eligible renters if all energy costs are included in your rent.  You may also have the option of signing up for PIPP at your LIHEAP appointment – PIPP is a monthly budget plan where if you make your payments on time, it will forgive a portion of your past due balances. (You will have to choose between PIPP or the LIHEAP DVP – you cannot receive both).  Applicants must be in the following categories:

 Group 1 – Senior and Disabled Households – Begins October Must be income eligible and have a member 60 years of age or older or have a member receiving Social Security Disability (If resident is under 60 and disabled, must bring in proof of social security disability benefits. Pending disability is NOT accepted.  Disability includes SSI, SSDI, Vet Disability, or AABD)

Group 2 – Households with children under 6 yrs – and Disconnected Households – Begins November

Households with children under 6 must be income eligible and have a child under 6 years of age (up to 5 years, 364 days – must still be 5 yrs. on date of application; must prove age with birth certificate or Medicaid card with birthdate).  Disconnected households must be income eligible and one or both of your energy utilities is shut off. You may be eligible to apply for Reconnection Assistance (RA). The RA amount, plus your regular LIHEAP benefit, needs to be enough money to pay your whole bill in order to turn on your service.  If you owe more than that, you will have to pay the difference. If you can’t, the application will be denied due to “Client Portion Required” (CPR).  When you are able to make a personal payment directly to the utility to make up the difference or set up a payment arrangement with them, then you can reapply for assistance.

Group 3 – Begins December – All other Income-qualified residents


 Ÿ PHOTO ID issued by a third party, such as driver’s license, state ID, work ID, college ID, FOID card (no copies)

Ÿ PROOF OF GROSS INCOME from all household members 18 years and older for the 30-DAY PERIOD before your application date. This includes TANF and other public benefits, child support, as well as wages from a job and other forms of income (such as SSI, SSDI, etc.) IMPORTANT!! IF YOUR HOUSEHOLD HAS NO (ZERO) INCOME, you must provide proof that the household receives PUBLIC benefits, such as SNAP/Link, public housing verification, or a letter from someone who is helping to support you.

Ÿ YOUR CURRENT/LATEST HEAT AND ELECTRIC BILLS, both front & back, that includes name and address, issued within the last 30 days. Disconnect notices are not accepted in place of bills.

Ÿ SOCIAL SECURITY CARDS FOR ALL HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS – IT CANNOT BE A COPY OR AN APPLICATION FOR A CARD. Certified birth certificates will be accepted in place of Social Security Cards for children under the age of 6 months. Hospital birth certificates are NOT accepted (unless a child is under 1 month old).

Ÿ IF BOTH UTILITIES ARE INCLUDED IN RENT, a copy of rental agreement showing that utilities are included, the monthly rental amount and landlord contact information.


For households with more than 8 members, for each member add $540 for 30-day income These figures are based on the Federal Poverty Guidelines of 150% of poverty.


               INCOME GUIDELINES

Household Size


Total household  30 day gross income (before taxes taken out) no more than:
1 $1,518
2 $2,058
3 $2,598
4 $3,138
5 $3,678
6 $4,218
7 $4,758
8 $5,298


2018-2019 LIHEAP SITES 

STARTING IN OCTOBER: Income eligible households with a person over 60 years of age and/or a person receiving social security disability.

Call for an appointment on the first business day of the month

  • Community Action 844-710-6919. All residents of Boone & Winnebago Countries (beginning in December)
  • Central Terrace Co-op 815-962-4112 (Rockford Residents only)
  • Rockton Township 815-624-7788 (Roscoe, Durand, South Beloit, Rockton residents only)
  • NIAAA 779-221-3717    (Seniors, Disabled Adults, and Veterans only)

These sites make their own appointments. Call them for more information

  • Lifescape 815-963-1609  (Seniors, Disabled Adults, and Veterans)
  • Keen Age Center 815-544-9893  (Seniors in Boone County)
  • Oak Street Health 815-668-78158 (Seniors and Disabled Only)

These sites will serve their existing clients only.  Call them if you are an active client

  • Rock Valley Refugee Program 815-921-2276
  • Rosecrance 815-391-1000
  • Rockford Township 815-962-8855
  • Stepping Stones 815-963-0683
  • Mercyhealth at Home 815-971-4287
  • ARC 815-965-3455

More help for Disconnected Households only

  • Disconnected senior/disabled households can walk in without an appointment Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30-4:00 at 612 N Church St, Rockford in October. All other disconnected households starting in November (same days/time)

Special locations sites. No appointment needed. Reminder: October dates are for senior/disabled only: November Families w/child under 6 & Disconnect; Dec – Open

  • Harlem Comm. Center 9350 Forest Hills Road Mach Park –   10/23, 11/13, 1/22, 3/12 from 9-3:30 and 12/18, 2/12 from 11 AM-6:30PM (Loves Park and Machesney Park residents only)
  • Central Terrance Co-op – 1121 Bishop Washington Ave, Rockford – 10/19, 11/6, 12/4 from 9 AM-3:30 PM   and 11/20, 1/8/19, 3/19/19 from 11 AM-6:30 PM (Rockford & Unincorporated Winnebago County residents only)
  • Washington Park Community Center – 3617 Delaware, Rockford 61102 – 10/16, 11/27, 12/11, 1/15, 2/19, 3/26 9 AM-2 PM